AMMO by Mig 7182 Tiger I Colors Set

Ammo of MIGSKU: AMIG7182

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Set of 12 colors specially formulated for the painting of the Tiger I family & its derivatives.

- 12 x 17ml jars


- AMIG0002 RAL6003 Olivgrun Opt.2

- AMIG0013 RAL 8000 Gelbbraun

- AMIG0024 Washable White Camo

- AMIG0005 RAL 7008 Graugrun 

- AMIG0014 RAL 8012 Rotbraun

- AMIG0096 Crystal Green Periscope (and Tail Light On)

- AMIG0008 RAL 7021 Dunkelgrau

- AMIG0015 RAL 8017 Schokobraun

- AMIG0114 Zimmerit Ochre Color

- AMIG0010 RAL7028 Dunkelgelb (Mid War)

- AMIG0017 RAL 9001 Cremeweiss

- AMIG0218 RLM 66 Schwartzgrau 


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